Who Is Tastely Picks...

Established in March 2021 by high school sweethearts Polly and James, Tastely Picks, formally known as Tastely Box emerged from a cherished family tradition. Inspired by creating date night boxes with international treats, what began as a side hobby exceeded expectations. With over 200K social media followers, Tastely Picks evolved into a storefront, expanding its offerings to include an international pick'n'mix, orginal in-house made freeze-dried candy, and their in-house Crackle Candy. A family-owned and operated business, we are grateful for the continued support of our customers and our growing Tastely Picks family.


    Love me some freeze dried candy!

    We visited the Peterborough location over the summer and I'm addicted!!

    I ordered the freeze dried pick n' mix. I thought that I would have gotten mini bags with each choice I made, but instead, it was a larger bag with 2 or 3 of each candy... as much that could be stuffed in the bag 😃

    Packaging wad good. All the freeze dried candies arrived without issue and delicious!!

    Very YUMMY! <3

    I’ve only recently gotten into freeze dried candy and this is the only site I order from. I’ve never been disappointed with any of the candy I’ve gotten. Since the company is in Canada it takes a couple weeks for my box to get to me but that’s completely understandable. They don’t just offer freeze dried candy. They also have regular candy, sweets from different countries, and mystery boxes. They do holiday events like advent calendars and so so sooo much more. They’re a small business but they truly are awesome!!!

    Great selection

    I really enjoyed the selection! A bit of everything from chocolate, to jujubes, to taffy to marshmallow base freeze dried candy! I was impressed how full the mini bags were too! You definitely get your money's worth!

    Next time I would specify no banana flavored candies but it was a mystery and I didn't know I was gonna get that. At least my boyfriend likes those banana marshmallows haha!

    Would definitely buy again <3

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